Creche de Tanger


Abandoned children

A child of both sexes who has not reached the age of eighteen full solar years is considered abandoned if he is in one of the following cases:
- if he was born of unknown parents, or was born of an unknown father and a known mother who voluntarily abandoned him;
- If he was an orphan or if his parents were unable to care for him and he had no legitimate means of subsistence;
- If his parents are deviant and do not fulfil their duty to care for him and to guide him in order to acquire good conduct, as in the case of the forfeiture of legal guardianship, or if one of his parents who cares for him after the other’s loss or his inability to care for him is deviant and does not fulfill his stated duty to him.
Article 1 of the Family Code no. 15.01


Sponsorship of an abandoned child, as defined in this Act, is the obligation to care for, raise, protect and support a neglected child as a father does with his son.  
Article 2 of the Family Code no. 15.01

Sponsor Conditions Sponsorship of abandoned children is entrusted to the following individuals and organizations

Muslim couples who meet the following conditions:
Muslim women who meet the four conditions referred to in the first clause of this article.
Public institutions responsible for the care of children, organizations and associations of a social character recognized as being of public utility have the material means, human resources and capacities to support children and their good Islamic education.
Article 9 of the law on the family n° 15.01

Temporary Sponsorship Documents

If you meet the above conditions:

Ask for an appointment for an interview with the president of the association or her representative, who will explain the problem of sponsorship and its duties and obligations.
Give the form to the association's management, indicating your name, address, nature of work, marital and family status, and your personal telephone number.

Official Sponsorship Documents