Mrs. Khadija Bouebaidi, what is, in brief, the current situation of the Crèche for newborns and abandoned children in Tangier?
The current situation is comfortable for our children because they benefit from all the conveniences of an institution with international specificities, but, nevertheless, we suffer from a lack of financial resources to manage the institution which requires expenses which increase day by day. after day and year after year, especially with the presence of several classes of abandoned infants and disabled children dropped off at the nursery.
Because the nursery is their home and we are their families, the eldest of whom is now twenty years old, as well as other children who are in a difficult situation, or are handicapped who follow their schooling or their education in schools public and private. And this, without forgetting the recognition of the essential role played by these institutions, and our role in the establishment of the crèche and the search for families who can take care of these infants and abandoned children.
What distinguishes our institution is the understanding between the members of the office and the nurserymen, which allows us to overcome all the difficulties.
Do you receive financial assistance from the state or rather from the current government or other parties?
Indeed, we receive annual financial support from the National Mutual Aid after being classified as a social protection institution a year ago. And it was the support that relieved us of a certain burden and we also had the support of the National Initiative for Human Development. In this regard, it is appropriate to thank the efforts made by the former Wali of the Tangier Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, Mohamed Al Yaakoubiet the current wali Mohammed Mhaidia, as well as all the executives of the National Mutual Aid at the local and regional levels. .
To this end, we continue to make continuous efforts to communicate with all compassionate and kind-hearted people, whether natural or legal persons.
Give us an overview of the crib in Tangier…
The nursery is an institution, a subsidiary of the association of nurseries and abandoned children of Tangier, whose administrative office is made up of 11 members belonging to various sectors. What constitutes a positive energy reflected in the daily functioning of the work, in addition to an administrative and educational staff, without forgetting the volunteers among the doctors and the people working for the comfort of our children.
How do you manage this noble institution in order to improve the situation of the crèche and offer decent living conditions to these children?
We use all legally possible means. If we have a good reputation, we owe it by opening the doors of the nursery to all visitors and when they believe in our credibility and the services provided to children, they come back with in-kind or material help. In addition, we continue to knock on all doors and write to all institutions while counting on God who does not disappoint us.
A cry from the heart or a quick note to all those who are interested in this cause…
In the end, our children are also the children of the motherland, “circumstances that led their families to abandon them” and found with us the warm embrace, protection and family that they lacked. “We are not the only ones affected by them. They are under the protection of all of us, and from here I invite all who have a compassionate heart to support and help us, because the burden is very great, to share it with us.